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Global IP Settings

IP settings is the repository where TeemIp's default options for all what IP Management is concerned are defined. These are managed through the “Global IP Settings” menu located under the “General Configuration menu” of the Configuration module.

One set of options, ie one IP Settings object, is defined per Organization. IP Settings object for an organization is automatically created with default values when the first IP object is created within that organization.

Global IP Settings Properties

Name Type Mandatory?
General Information
Organization Foreign key to a(n) Organization Yes
Name Alphanumeric string No
Requestor Foreign key to a(n) Person No
Name Type Allowed values Default value Extension
Default Settings for IP Requests IP Request Management
Offset for the creation of IPs within IPv4 subnets Number Any 0 IP Request Management
Offset for the creation of IPs within IPv6 subnets Number Any 0 IP Request Management
Default Settings for Subnet Blocks
Minimum size of IPv4 Subnet Blocks Number > 1 256
Minimum size of IPv6 Subnet Blocks CIDR > /64 /64
Align IPv4 Subnet Blocks to CIDR Boolean Yes / No Yes
Align IPv6 Subnet Blocks to CIDR Boolean Yes / No Yes
Delegate blocks to children organizations only Boolean Yes / No Yes
Default Settings for Subnets
Reserve Subnet, Gateway and Broadcast IPs at Subnet Creation Boolean Yes / No No
IPv4 Gateway IP Enum Broadcast IP - 1 / Subnet IP + 1 / Free Allocation Subnet IP + 1
IPv6 Gateway IP Enum Last subnet IP / Subnet IP + 1 / Free Allocation Subnet IP + 1
Symetrical Subnet NAT Boolean Yes / No No
Subnet Low Water Mark (%) Percentage 0 - 100 60
Subnet High Water Mark (%) Percentage 0 - 100 80
Default Settings for IP Ranges
IP Range Low Water Mark (%) Percentage 0 - 100 60
IP Range High Water Mark (%) Percentage 0 - 100 80
Default Settings for IPs
Allow Duplicate Names Boolean Yes / No No
Ping IP before assigning it ? Boolean Yes / No No
Symetrical IP NAT Boolean Yes / No No
Copy CI's name into IP's short name Boolean Yes / No No
Compute FQDN when short name is empty Boolean Yes / No No
Allocate IPs attached to production CIs Boolean Yes / No Yes
Release IPs from CIs that become obsolete Boolean Yes / No No
Un-allocate IPs that are not attached to a CI Boolean Yes / No No
Release IPs from subnets that are released Boolean Yes / No Yes
Domain Information
Delegate domains to children organizations only Boolean Yes / No No
Automatically update DNS records Boolean Yes / No No DNS Zone Management
Other information
MAC Address Output Format Enum Colons / Hyphens / Dots Colons
The MAC Address Output Format defines the format used to display MAC addresses: colons (01:23:45:67:89:ab), hyphens (01-23-45-67-89-ab) or dots (0123.4567.89ab). Regardless that format, the MAC address will always be stored in the data base following the colons format. And any format can be used to enter a MAC address.

Listing Global IP Settings

The Global IP Settings link of the Data administration module on the explorer menu displays the different IP Settings used by the different organizations.

Only one Global IP Settings object may exist per organization.

Creating a new Global IP Settings

From the listing view, click on the “New…” menu to display the creation form.

Default and allowed values are listed in the “Global IP Settings Properties” chapter here above.

Modifying Global IP Settings

From the detailed view of a Global IP Settings, click on the “Modify” button. Basically, all parameters can be changed here but, of course, the organization.

Other Actions

No specific action can be applied to Global IP Settings beside the standard actions described in the User Manual.

2_x/datamodel/ip-settings.1669910121.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/12/01 16:55 by cnaud